Meanwhile, at the Skullbase" is now available on
After answering an Evil Craig’s List ad, intrepid underachiever Dwayne Kelly gets a job at the Skull Base, a flying skull-shaped fortress. The Skull Base is home to the easily-amused Overlord Skull Bludgeon, the maniacal head of HR, Doom Cock, and the equally lovely and deadly Honey Killworthy. when Genghis Khan escapes and leaves a trail of destruction across the Skull Base, only Dwayne can put a stop to him. If, you know, he doesn’t get killed in the process.
Featuring Bryan Preston, Tommy Sinbazo, Rex Anderson, John Bennett, Sarah Gorman, Danielle Robinette,
Yours Truly, Patrick Storck, and Jim Meyer
Directed by Tommy Sinbazo
Written by Bryan Preston
Engineered by Rex Anderson